Exam Details
The exam in Social Data Science is a 7-day written assignment done in groups of 4. All members of the group should hand in the assignment individually before the deadline.
What we expect
For the exam students are expected to pose an interesting social science question and attempt to answer it using standard academic practices including original data collection and statistical analysis.
When grading the assignments we will consider how well you apply the tools you learn in the course. Therefore, we will emphasize
- Posing an interesting question
- Answering your interesting question
- Generating new data
- Clear presentation of results
- Using and explaining relevant statistical techniques
- You will work in randomly assigned groups of 4
- The exam project has to be 8-12 normal pages (as defined by the Department of Economics, the same as for a BA/MA thesis, Econometrics B, etc)
- The project has to be handed in no later than August 26
- The project should be uploaded in
format and the filename should be your real name separated by underscore - You should upload your code as a separate
file. The filename should again be your name but the extension should be.R
Previous topics (for inspiration)
- Predicting which stories major Danish news organizations show on social media
- Estimating the causal effect of the Copenhagen Metro on near-by house prices
- Placing Danish politicians on an ideological scale using unsupervised learning
- Exploring patterns in U.S campaign contributions
- Predicting reviews on Yelp using text analysis
- Predicting house prices