November, 2015


rmarkdown basics

git & github

Assignment 2

Markdown Basics

We went over this a little bit too quick last time

Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that can be converted into almost any format

The overriding design goal for Markdown’s formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible


Bold and italics:

  • **this text is in bold** -> this text is in bold
  • *this text is in italics* -> this text is in italics


  • as in latex.
  • $y = X'\beta + \epsilon$ -> \(y = X'\beta + \epsilon\)

Can handle citations as well



* fruits
    - apples
        - macintosh
        - red delicious
    - pears 
    - peaches
* vegetables
    - broccoli
    - chard

Renders as…

  • fruits
    • apples
      • macintosh
      • red delicious
    • pears
    • peaches
  • vegetables
    • broccoli
    • chard

rmarkdown = r + markdown

rmarkdown let's you write code and text in the same document

The program is smart enough to figure out what is what


git & github

Why version control?

Detailed log of all changes.

Easy to revert back to previous versions.

Clear attribution of work (who contributed what).

git & github

what is git? Git is an open source command line program for version control.

what is github? A company/web service that hosts Git repositories and enables 'social coding'

What is GitHub for Mac/Windows? A GUI for Git.

Makes it easier to use.

Ultimately just does command line Git.

Getting started with Git

Key terms (local):

  • Repository (repo): a directory where Git looks for changes

  • Initialize (init): have Git begin watching a directory

  • add: stage a file so that Git starts watching it

  • master: the main branch. By convention this should be the most stable version.

  • push: commit changes to a remotely hosted repository

  • pull: merge changes from a remotely hosted repository

In GUI GitHub push and pull are combined into sync

Assignment 2


Assignment 2 is online

You can spend the rest of this class discussing it with your group

Kristoffer and I can help you with your overall strategy, but not coding